Saturday 1 April 2017

Evalutation Questions

Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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I think my magazine advertisement would feature on magazines like NME, Q and Fader due to its indie genre. However due to the heavy sounding music and dark designs, it could possible feature on rock magazines like Kerrang and Rock Sound as these types of gritty graphics appeal to the rock audience heavily.

Image result for indie rock magazines   Image result for indie rock magazines

Question 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I feel my ancillary texts are very effective together because as I have proved, they share the same consistent house style as well as the same graphics which promote the band. This is effective as audiences can recognize them as the same promotional package and can relate the designs directly to the band. An effective promotional package is one in which has the same style thoughout each promotional product. An axample of this is Ed Sheeran's new album "Divide".

The album cover depicts a black painted on divide sign with the work divide in white, inside the divide symbol. The divide symbol is placed on top of a washed out blue, tie dye effect. This type of painted aesthetic is also seen on advertisements for convert posters are well as each one of his songs on youtube:

- Album Cover

- Concert Poster

- Thumbnail Design for Youtube (Different one for each song)

Choosing My Institution 

Both my ancillary texts link due to that fact they both reference the same independent institution; Domino. I chose this institution as Domino is a very famous record label due to the rise of popular band Arctic Monkey's. However, despite this popularity, it is still always known as an independent label for Indie Rock bands, therefore I thought it was best suited to my band as like my band Domino Records more about the music than their image. My bands music also fits the genre of music Domino Produce and distribute as well. 

 Image result for Domino Records

As an overall promotional package, I feel my products are very effective as not only do they include the conventions of real-life media texts, but they also link extremely well on different levels, be it colour scheme, graphics and screenshots from the music video. 

Question 3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback? 

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Overall from my feedback I feel that I have learnt to take more precautions when filming in the dark, I have also learn that linking promotional products together and creating synergy is very effective as a promotional package.

If I could create my products again I would add an album name to follow another convention of a digipak as well start my music video animation earlier to improve the quality of the "Take on Me" aesthetic I am trying to create.

Question 4.

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