Friday 16 September 2016

Music Video Representation - Sven E.Carlson (Media Theorist)

Sven E Carlson made a media theory based on music videos in 1999. According to Carlson, certain music videos go under 3 purposes on why they are made like they are.

1. Commercial Exhibitionist
2.Television Bard
3. Electronic Shaman

1.Commercial Exhibitionist

Artists sometimes make music videos to present themselves as a brand; selling their appearance as well as their musical talent. Not only that, but their lifestyle and fashion sense is also on show.

An old example of this is Jenifer Lopez's "Jenny From the Block" music video (2002)

Jennifer Lopez created this music video to prove to her fans that no matter how rich she gets, she won't change. This is proven by the lyrics as well as the cinematography in the music video.

For example, alot of the shots in the music video are partially covered by objects, this implies that the camera man is hiding/ spying on her. This represents the paparazzi that try and judge her on her actions and on what lifestyle has (she is on a yacht sunbathing) 

This shot also represents the paparazzi spying on her. However she is show in casual clothing, dancing to a song on her own. This convey's the message that she still is a normal human being and hasn't changed due to her celebrity lifestyle. 

The mise-en-scene is this shot also represents her as a normal person and not a celeb who lives a luxurious life. For example, her clothing is very casual and street-like, she is also dancing on a busy road which also represents the urban landscape she originated from before becoming a celebrity. 

A contemporary example of a Commercial Exhibitionist is Beyonce's video; "Drunk in Love" (2013)

In this music video, Beyonce' is selling her body and good looks to the audience, making her girl audience want to be her and making the male audience want a girlfriend like her. This is shown through "male-gazey" close ups of her body. 

2.Television Bard 

This is when artists create a music video that represents a story, because they are singing, they are usually the story teller. 

A contemporary example of this is Lukas Graham's music video "7 years" (2016)

The music video is about Lukas Graham's life and how he became a professional singer.

At the start of the music video  there is a slow motion black and white shot of a burning book moving through the air, this links to the end shot of the music video were Lukas throws his song book behind him and it explodes. The fire and explosion represents the potential his lyrics have and how they have an impact on the world and on his life.

The overall music video shows the story of how Lukas Graham became a professional singer. This is shown by the locations he is in at the start and at the end of the music video. For example, at first he is at a skatepark which is conventional for being where local, lower class youths hang out. 

Later on in the video he is shown on a stage via a tracking shot. This shows his body language as he walks on stage. The next shot is then an extreme low angle of the stage to show how many seats there are at the venue. 

At the end of the music video he is seen with an old man walking and singing the lyrics of his song. This implies that the old man will be him when he's older. The lyrics then go on to explain how Lukas' future will pan out according to him. 

3. Electronic Shaman

These are big budget productions were the artist either has immortal powers or adpots the alter ego of another iconic character, personality or superhero. 

An old example of this is Michael Jackson's music video "Scream" (1995)

In this video Michael Jackson plays the role of a space man who operates a spaceship. This shown through the high amount of CGI used. This is the most expensive music video ever made costing $7 million.

There is also effects in which makes Michael Jackson appear like he is floating through the air. 

A contemporary example of an Electronic Shaman is Roar by Katy Perry (2013)

The costume worn by Katy Perry shows that she has adopted the alter ago of Tarzan or an amazon lady.

At the start of the music video there is a cartoon landscape which also refers to the popular disney cartoon Tarzan. The cartoon text also implies this.

At the start of the music video, there is mise-en-scene of a plane crash ion a jungle, this is conventional in alot of films. This implies that it parodies many adventure films like Indianan Jones and the Temple of Doom.

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