Thursday 9 February 2017

Initial magazine advert layout design

Here is the initial template / thumbnail design for the layout of my magazine advert. The content included in my advert will be the digipak main image and all the conventional information:

- Release Date 
- Record Company 
- Band name 
-  Singles included 

Thumbnail 1 

This is my thumbnail design, I feel it follows all the traditional conventions of a magazine advert however, I feel the decrease in font per line of text might look a bit strange and out of place. However, the main image of my magazine advert does have to be at the top and no centered as the patterns need to run off the page. I feel like I do not need to include a seperate title displaying the bands name as it is included in the logo.

To vary the colour in the advert, every other line will be the dark red which is consistent throughout my designs. This will break the text up slightly a bit more and will make the design more eye catching.

To mix the design up slightly, I feel I could put the "Debut Album" bigger, and overlapping the main image. The fonts I will use will be very rough, promoting an urban, gritty style much like my digipak designs. This will create a consistent house style throughout both products. 

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