Thursday 1 December 2016

Draft 1

As you can seen my first draft is the second half of my music video, I filmed the torture scene first as it is the most challenging scene is my music video, due to the various quick shots used and the rhythmic editing of the hits going to the beat of the soundtrack. For this draft I also managed to finish all the animated parts required.

As you can see, I have made little progress on my animation due to me drawing 30 frames a second. To make quicker progress, I will change this to 15 frames a second. I feel this will improve the quality of my animation also because you will be able to see each frame individually whereas on this clip, the drawings seem very blurry. I feel this is because I rendered the video in 25 frames per second but drew 30 per second.

Storyboard Comparison

Here is my story board comparison, towards the beginning of the sequence my drawings and shots are very similar however I start to improvise towards the end as in some positions I block the soft box lighting as well as some of the extras.
Initially I was going to have a long shot of the protagonist sat down with two thugs stood behind him. I quickly changed this as from a distance, the lighting was very low quality and you couldn't see the extras. Another reason why I changed it is because I thought of many other artistic close ups I could use to set the scenes. One of which is the protagonists head faced down all sweaty. I feel the soft-box light is very effective here as it highlights the protagonists dripping hair.
 This shot is very accurate, the only thing that doesn't match the sketch is the weapon as it is a baton, and the lighting as I decided on only including one light because two lights made the scene too bright whereas I wanted the location to look dank.

 I took this shot from a slightly different angle so I could emphasis the hit as well as show the protagonist spitting onto the wall. Another reason is because from this angle, I wasn't in the way of the extras who were controlling the chair from falling over.
The sketch in this panel is very inaccurate as the chair would not lower to the floor in order to include the feet in frame. Therefore I shot the sketch from a high angle with a thug in the background instead of the feet, this depicts the thug higher than the protagonist, implying that he has more power.
 In this shot the protagonist was meant to put on an aggressive performance, however I felt that after being hit, he would act more weak and dazed as this would create a more verisimilitude atmosphere.
 This close up I didn't include due to the timing of the song, I wasn't able to fit it in.

 Due to the limited space in my garage, this shot is taken closer up, I use camera movement when the protagonist gets hit to convey how painful the shots are.
 This shot is the protagonist being thrown down from the kick by the extras, I included this shot to show a match on action. I feel this increases the viciousness of the kick.

Towards the end, the timings and lip syncing was too quick for the actor to say before he got hit, therefore towards the end we had to miss some lines out.
 I was not able to take this shot from behind as I would be in the way of the extras which control the protagonist from falling (This is the same for the next shot / panel)

The shot I used to re-create my sketches was accidental. For health and safety reasons, the protagonist was going to rock the chair and lean against the wall in one shot. Then in the next shot, he would fall. During this process the extras would be fully in control, lowering him down gradually before he hits the floor. However, at the moment of the protagonist rocking to the side, the chair slips due to the water on the floor and the tape that is attaching his legs snaps, sending the chair out of frame and the actor falling on the floor for each shot.

There were no injuries however reflecting on this, next time I will make sure the floor is dry before performing any major or minor stunts.

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