Thursday 9 March 2017

Filming studio scene / Diegesis

Part of my music video will cut to the artists playing the song and singing, this will be filmed in teh green screen room at my college. Here are some photos I have taken of the the type of lighting I want to include that I included earlier in my blog:

I want the lighting to be red as it fits the line "put on the red light" which is repeated throughout the song. It is also very iconic in the original version of this song.

Here are the types of shots I would like to include which I have illustrated on my storyboard panels: 

As you can see they focus more on the main artist and his guitar playing rather than the drummer. This works well as I might not have access to drum equipment when I film. A lot of the shots are close ups in order for the lyrics to be focused upon as it is a very meaningful song. I have recently found a new music video from the indie genre uploaded 2 days ago which illustrates some of these close ups in the same type of lighting, the song is Believer by Imagine Dragons:

These two screenshots demonstrate the exact look I want to create in my artist shots. This will be achieved with the lighting which my college provide and by the colour correction options on Premiere Pro. 

Here are my shots which I took during the filming of the performance, I used a tripod to keep the camera still and to focused just on certain parts of the artist's face. I feel the lighting has worked really well also as the red appears very intense and saturated. 

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