Thursday 6 October 2016

Identity for band / artist


Seen as the song I am using is from the Indie Rock genre, the actors who are playing the artists will follow the conventional costume of the genre.

Most indie rock artists are shown wearing quite unique clothing that is either very out-dated or just weird and random. Some bands like to wear casual clothing to show that they don't care about their appearance, just their music. Here are some examples:

 Following these conventions, I have decided that my artists will be wearing all black and will have scruffy hair. However, because my artist is going to be in dark red lighting all the way through the music video, the protagonist of the narrative in my video will wear the conventional teen costume.

I think my protagonist should wear a black denim jacket with a retro / geeky top in order to fit into the unique fashion sense indie rock bands have. I also want him to wear black skinny jeans, casual footwear and have scruffy hair in order to reflect the genre. The protagonist in the narrative is also going to be a teenager and it is iconic for teenagers to dress casually and have scruffy hair. 

Logo / Album Covers

By looking at my research, I have decided that my band logo will have quite a dark ideology along with an artistic album cover for its digi-pack.

Here are some photo's I have took that show the conventional indie rock costume.

Band Name

Looking at other indie rock band names like Arctic Monkey's, Bring Me The Horizon, Muse, Maddness, Royal Blood, Weezer, Red Hot Chilli Peppers. They all seems unique and very quirky, this is to represent the genre of being "independent", therefore they are "indie" bands who are different from the rest. 

Using this information I have decided to call Infamous, this name I feel expresses the dark, heavy sound that is heard in my soundtrack in my music video. It is also very dark and gritty much like the indie rock genre. 

Official Artist Mise-en-scene

As you can see, both my artists are wearing a lot of black in order to reflect the genre's dark ideology. My artist on the left is also wearing a denim jacket which is considered a retro clothing style that has been brought back into mainstream fashion. Both artists have messy hair in order to reflect the genre and are also wearing casual clothing as most indie artists focus on their music, not their appearance.

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