Friday 14 October 2016

Textual Analysis

I am going to analyse the indie rock music video "Figure it out" by Royal Blood, I thought I should analyse this clip as it is by the same band I am using for the soundtrack in my video. This will help me understand the bands ideology as well as the overall genre's. I will understand the music video's language through the micro technical aspects; mise-en-scene (props, location, costume, lighting) cinematography, sound and editing.

The genre of "Figure it out" is indie rock, you can tell this by looking at the codes and conventions of the genre included in this video. For example; there is a constant narrative in the music video which is increasingly common in the indie rock genre, this is shown by the continuous editing, there are shot reverse shots, eye-line matches, graphic matches and match on actions in order to show the audience how the narrative is progressing (shot reverse shot - connection between two protagonists) There are also certain shots that are conventional in the Film form, for example there are over the shoulder shots to convey where the characters are looking. There is also a "Rule of Thirds" framing when the main protagonist gets surrounded by security guards and shes in the middle, this implies they are after her.

(Over shoulder shot)

(Rule of Thirds Framing)

Another convention is that the protagonist is wearing casual clothing, this is because the indie genre originated from the lower class, they can relate to her easier if she looks like / dresses like them. Another mise-en-scene convention is the protagonist has blood on her clothes, this follows the dark themes of the indie rock genre, the protagonist is also tied up in a van showing that she has been previously kidnapped. This is also supports the ideology. There is also fast, violent camera movement when the chorus is playing which is also very iconic.

(Casual clothing with blood stains)

(Kidnapped Mise-en-scene)

However, this music video also rebels against the indie rock genre stereotypes, for example this particular music video is quite high budget seen as it has a big cast with lots of extras. It is also set in a mall which isn't the conventional run down area indie rock videos are usually set in. Unlike most indie rock music videos, there isn't a live performance, this is unusual as the artists normally want to advertise their selves and their music rather than a short film.

The locations included in the music video is a mall and a car park. The mall has various contact sport posters scattered around that are focused on by the camera (Boxing, MMA). This implies the indie rock themes as it is a very violent sounding genre, the lyrics are also very aggressive in most indie rock songs.

(MMA / contact sport posters)

The props used in the music video are fairly everyday objects. There are drinks and magazines scattered around the mall to enhance the verisimilitude of the diegisis. However there are some sinister themes included, for example the protagonist is shown tied up in the back of a black van implying she has been kidnapped. The protagonist is also seen stabbing someone with a shard cup lid, which makes an average, everyday object quite evil and dark.


The body language of the protagonist is very frantic and stressful, this relates well with the genre as well as the scenario of the music video as she has been previously kidnapped and is trying to escape. There is also of fast, frantic running and fighting in the music video also which matches the tempo of the song as it is very fast paced. In some parts, the protagonist is shown in her blood stain clothing bobbing to the music, this also represents her as psychopathic, however later on we find out that this is not true.  

The overall narrative of the video is about a girl who for a mysterious reason (enigma code) is running away from security guards as she is on a "Caution"poster and has blood stained clothing. This implies that she is a murderer. However, as the red and blue filter changes throughout the video, so does the "Caution" posters which change after she has stabbed a man. The caution posters then change to "Missing" posters which cracks the enigma code as this is followed by flash backs which imply she has been previously kidnapped by the man she has just murdered. This presents her as a protagonist rather than an antagonist. 

This evil narrative is very fitting to the genre of music, as the indie rock genre is very dark and sinister as it includes themes like murder and violence as heard by the lyrics in the song: "Somthings killing me"

The lyrics also fit the narrative: "trying to figure it out", this represents the audiences thoughts whilst they are viewing this video as they are trying to figure out if she is good or bad and have no idea why she is being chased until the end of the video. 

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