Wednesday 12 October 2016


Based on all of my influences and ideas, here is my final synopsis for my music video:

The music video will have two diegisis', one in the green room of the artist singing, one a narrative of a story.

The green room lighting will be pitch black, however it will be lit with a red light that will shine on the artists face (this will set the dark indie rock vibe)

The narrative will be about a teenager who wakes up in a ran down location, in front of him will be a dead / unconscious body. The boy will then run home and open the door to his house to find him self walking through a door way that leads to the events of the night before. The night will be summed up by 10+ scenario's he finds himself in , the first couple will appear pretty normal but eventually the events will get worse and worse. He transitions from event to event by walking through doors and walking into the darkness and coming out on the other side.

During these distressing events, there will be an animated figure in the background, who is the source for this overall illusion / hallucination. In the climax of the song, the teen and the figure will have a conflict in the starting location which will end in the figure winning, before he collapses and wakes up in the same place as the start of the video. The song will then end.

When certain lyrics are sung, the deigesis will cut to the green screen room of the artist/s singing and playing their instruments.

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