Monday 17 October 2016

Lyric Analysis

Analyzing the lyrics helps you think off narratives and scenario's within those narratives to use in your music video. This is the starting point to where you get your music video ideas from.

The overall song of Roxanne is very repetitive however, some of the verses have alot of meaning to them. For example, here are the lyrics with notes describing the meaning of them:

To summarize the lyrics, the song is about a man who is writing a song to "Roxanne" as he wants her to stop her job as a prostitute even though it's a valuable source of income to her. He is dedicating his love to her and is saying he will look after her and deal with her problems.

Even though this is quite an interesting narrative, a music video can be of your own creation and can have it's own narrative. Therefore I am going to stick the narrative I have planned but use the beat and tempo of the song to structure the editing and cinematography. I also feel like if I followed this song's narrative with a man singing to a woman, it would appear very cliche' and romantic which is not one of the themes included in indie rock, although the story is very gritty.

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