Thursday 13 October 2016

Indie Rock Audience

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Survey Results 

Overall I gained 10 responses from the indie rock audience who answered my survey, here are the most and least popular answers:

Out of the ten answers, 80% of people stream music videos rather than download or buy analogue or physical copies. This comes to no surprise due to popular, online streaming services like Youtube and Dailymotion that connect the world, creating a global, interactive village. Due to these online services, audiences don't have to leave their home or take up storage on their devices to view music video's, making the experience alot more simple and easier. What came as a surprise is that the same amount of people buy physical copies of music videos also download them, I feel if there were more responses to my survey, the number of physical copy buyers would lower as obtaining physical music videos now is very rare. However, music videos are still available to download through Itunes for a very cheap price.

As expected, most of my audience stream through Youtube as it is free with the small cost of adverts which are skip-able. This is a popular option due to the fact that if your disappointed with the music video, at least you haven't bought it so you aren't loosing money. A small 20% of people don't tend to watch music videos which is also understandable as they are very common now and most songs have a promotional video to go alongside them, they are no loner anything special unless one is particularly shocking or intriguing.

60% of my audience own vinyl records as most indie bands like to publish their songs onto records to maintain the retro aesthetic they have created. However 40% of my audience do not, this is normally due to the fact they are very expensive costing £15 - £20 per album.

In terms of a diverse fashion sense. the average came out to 40 out of 100, meaning that the audience like to stylize themselves to how they see fit but however, they usually follow certain trends rather than take the opposite route.

Because the previous question was very vague and in-accurate, I asked where my audience shopped. To my surprise the most percentage of people shopped in high street shops rather than independent clothing shops, perhaps this is what caused my previous question to score an average of 40/100. However, on a close second, my audience also buy from independent clothing shops which show their interest for a retro, diverse image. Not many people from my audience shop from designer shops however, perhaps this is because they are considered very mainstream and common.

In these results the indie rock audience are depicted as people who like to go out and engage in social activities like drinking and smoking.  Due to health reasons, of course smoking isn't as popular as drinking however according to my results a very very small fraction of my audience like to stay inside.

The majority of my audience are teenagers with the odd acceptation of two adults, this explains why my results are very high when it comes to drinking and smoking as teenagers are commonly the social group to go out and engage in social activities like parties.

Most of my audience have a regular income, with the odd acceptation of 2 people, the 20% unemployed figure is justified by the fact most of the audience are young and are in their teens, which suggests they are students who don't have time for a job. However, due to indie bands wearing casual clothing and having little production money along with the indie rock fashion sense being cheap and affordable, it could be that a large majority of the indie rock audience are unemployed because they are low class citizens. This is a justified point as the rock genre in general is very appealing to the lower class rather than the higher class do to its rebellious nature and its relation with anarchy and violence. Whereas high class members of society prefer classical music or mainstream pop as it conforms to media expectations and doesn't challenge certain ideologies like their own beliefs.

The results are very even when it comes to playing an instrument, I added this question based on my own knowledge that my friends who are also Indie Rock fans at least play one instrument, The most common instrument being the guitar. Based on this question, I will know whether to include performance in my music video as it might not be appreciated if the audience did not play themselves.

The majority of my questioned audience live in towns which is also a surprise as the Indie Rock genre is an urban gritty, genre. However, due to the lack of results this survey will not be %100 accurate.


Overall, by analyzing the NME audience profile as well as my own results, the indie rock genre are fairly young, but are mature 15 - 30 year olds who like to drink and smoke, like to show who they are through their fashion sense as well as have a part time job or regular income. 

The majority also enjoy buying retro items like clothing or vinyl as well as stream music videos on one of the most popular website destinations; Youtube.

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