Monday 21 November 2016

Casting, Mise-en-scene, Props, Location, Costumes, Cast List

Cast List

William Cross  - Protagonist
Charlie Moore - Animated Antagonist, Gang leader
Tim Parker - Thug 1
Javen Thompson - Thug 2
Sophie Ambros - Girl protagonist sleeps with
Will Marshall - Singer of Band

Extras will also be used that will include the actors above as well as others. There will roughly be 4 extras.



Scene 1 - Protagonist Waking Up 


Will Cross - Black Denim Jacket, Black Skinny Jeans, Black Vans, White T-shirt.

Charlie Moore - Dressed all black.

Location - Car Park - Beverley


Scene 2 - Protagonist Walking Home 

Will Cross - Same costume

Location - Park Avenue Beverley

Scene 3 - Protagonist teleports to town centre 

Will Cross - Same Clothing

Extras - Casual Clothing, Jeans, Jackets

Location - Beverley Town

Props - Beer Bottles

Scene 4 - Protagonist Wakes Up in Bedroom 

Will Cross - Same Clothing

Sophie Ambros - Revealing, provocative clothing, a dress,

Charlie Moore - All black, lower class stereotype clothing, hoodie.

Javen Thompson and Tim Parker - All black, jeans, jackets, lower class clothing (they act as extras in this scene)

Location - My bedroom or Friends Bedroom

Scene 5 - Protagonist walking down a street, gets chased down an alley

Will Cross - Same Clothing

Javen and Tim Parker - Same clothing as previous scene

Location - Flemmingate Development and side alley - Beverley

(A good location as it is usually empty)

Scene 7 - Torture Scene

Will Cross - Same Clothing, bloody, bruised face (make up)

Charlie Moore - Same clothing, with cricket or baseball bat

Javen Thompson and Tim Parker - Stood in the background in same clothing.

Props - Rope, Chair, Cricket or Baseball Bat.

Location - My garage.

Scene 8 - Final animated fight 

Will Cross - Same Clothing

Charlie Moore - doesn't matter for clothing as he is animated.

Location - Ran Down Car Park Beverley


Location - Green Room

Props - Red Lighting, Guitar, Microphone with stand, drumset  

Costume - Casual / Retro Clothing, Vans, Black Jeans, Souvenir Jacket and white T-shirt

Here are some lighting tests to show how the scene should roughly look.

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