Friday 4 November 2016


 Birds eye long shot of protagonist waking up on a street floor, not knowing what is going on (00:01)

Animated distortion to imply distorted memories of the night before, also introduces animation into the video. (00:00.5)

Close up of actor trying to remember events, still waking up. (00:00.5)

Close up of bloodied fist, implies violence. Fist should be in focus and the surroundings should be out of focus. (00:00.5)

Distorted animation of the fight the night before, also links to the bloody fist. (00:02)

As the guitar kicks in the soundtrack, a medium shot will play of the artist playing a guitar in a dark studio with red lighting. (00:01)

Medium shot of the artists face playing the guitar (adversities artist/band) (00:00.5)
Long shot of protagonist getting up, feet position to the side of the frame. The audience see the dead body at the same time the protagonist does, they will share a confused reaction. (00:00.5)

Cuts back to a medium shot of the drummer, the drums are very dominant in the soundtrack. (00:02)
Over shoulder shot of protagonist getting up and staring at the body. (00:01)
Medium shot of protagonist as he is backing away from the dead body in shock (eye line match) (00:01)

Returns to the long shot with the protagonist running away (pull-focus from the show to protagonist) The intro to the song ends and the lyrics start. (00:04)

Close up of artists mouth as he sings the first line of the song. (00:01)

Medium tracking shot of the protagonist walking home, still confused and panicked. (00:01)

Medium shot from behind of protagonist struggling to open the door. (00:00.5)

When the door finally opens, the protagonist stumbles into Beverley town and teleport's into the night before. This will be shown through a medium shot slightly from the side so you don't see whats in the doorway behind the protagonist. (00:01) 

Close up of artist singing (00:02)
Match on action of protagonist walking with his friends on a night out. Will be shown through a tracking medium shot, the camera will move around the group, focusing on beer bottles that they are holding and the protagonist and friends facial expressions. (00:02)

The camera will then focus to the side of the group in a medium shot to close up movement towards the protagonist who is distracted by a figure. (00:02)
Overall shoulder shot to show the animated figure the protagonist is looking at. (Eye Line Match) (00:02) 

Extreme close up of the protagonist wondering what the mysterious animated figure is (0:02) 
Cuts back to the medium tracking shot where one of his friends, shoulder barges him onto the floor. As he is falling out of frame a match on action will appear. (00:03)

There will then be a medium shot of the protagonist falling onto a bed with a girl on top of him. This implies that this is later on in the events of the night before. (00:02)
Camera pans across to the room, to the door which opens as the girls angry boyfriend walks in with two other men.(00:02)

Tracking over shoulder shot of the men holding the protagonist against a wall. (00:02)
Over-shoulder shot of the protagonist looking at the angry men. (00:02)
Cuts back to over shoulder shot of protagonist getting strangled (00:01)
Cuts back to close up of artist singing line. (00:02)
Animated match on action of the protagonist jumping out of the window. 
Same animated protagonist falls to the ground face first and lies there. Then starts to get up gradually and rise. (00:05)
Match on action of real-life protagonist rising through an over-shoulder shot, sees the animated figure again (he's behind all this) (00:04)

Camera moves to the other shoulder to shoe the animated figure has disappeared (00:04)

Medium tracking shot of protagonist walking down Flemmingate (00:12)
Two men appear either side of the protagonist (rule of thirds) and start walking either side, They get closer and closer. When the chorus starts, the protagonist looks behind then runs out of frame. 
Match on action of the protagonist being chased. This will be shown through a long shot partially behind a war, panning and following. (00:02)
Tracking shot of protagonist running away and looking behind scared. (00:01)
Tracking over-shoulder shot of people running after protagonist. They start to turn down an alley way. (00:01)

Medium shot of artist singing and playing guitar. (00:03)

Close up of the guitar picking by the artist. (00:01)
Medium tracking shot of protagonist running down a crammed alley, he will be knocking against the wall and stumbling. (00:02)
The same tracking shot used for the chasers of the scene. (00:01)

Close up of artist singing (00:02)

Cuts back to protagonist running away down the alley, he eventually runs out of the tunnel into darkness, the screen goes black.(00:05)
Long / Wide shot of protagonist tied to a chair with people standing round him, lights will flicker on and off to imply run-down, criminalized location. (00:06)

Tracking close up of baseball bat, man who is holding it walks towards him. (00:02)
Over shoulder shot of man with baseball bat approaching protagonist, protagonist sings the lyrics of the songs in a scared way to show his situation 
Match on action of baseball bat hitting protagonists knee - Close Up (00:01)
Over-shoulder shot turns into the protagonist getting punched, because the camera is filming from the left side and the antagonist is punching from his right, it will create an effect that the punch has connected (00:04)

Match on action of antagonist punching from his left side (00:02)

Match on action of protagonist bending over in pain, only the legs of the antagonist are in frame to show his dominance. Protagonist then starts to sit up straight (00:03)

Match on action of protagonist sitting up straight and shouting the lyrics at the antagonist, shown by medium shot (00:02)

Close up of protagonist looking weak and tired (00:01)

Protagonist struggling violently to get out of the chair, shown by the medium shot shown earlier (00:02)

Long shot of protagonist getting kicked in the chest by antagonist, men stood behind hold the protagonist up (00:01)

Over shoulder shot from the antagonists other side, the over shoulder shot turns into a punch thrown by the antagonists left hand, because i'm filming on the right side of his body, the punch will appear like it has connected. (00:04)

Match on action of protagonist getting punched, shown through a medium shot (00:01)

Match on action of the protagonist falling to the ground with the chair, after being hit. his will be shown by a long shot of the camera which will be placed on the floor / near the floor (00:01)

Medium shot of protagonist getting kick whilst he's on the floor (00:02)

Close up of protagonist looking up at his attacker - eye line match (00:02)

High angel from protagonists POV looking up at the attacker about to swing a baseball bat (00:01)

Cuts back to close up of protagonist (00:01)

Antagonist finishes his swing. Shown through high angle. Cuts to blackness when the bat gets close to the camera (00:01)

Cuts to band's diegesis. Close up of singers mouth singing the lyrics of the next verse. (00:02)

Protagonist appears in a dark, dingey street and slowly gets up. Medium shot that pans up as the protagonist gets up (00:04)

Match on action of protagonist getting up, staring at something in the distance. Shown through a close up (00:03)

Over shoulder shot showing what the protagonist is looking at - eye line match (00:05)

Zoom into protagonists angry face, zooms to left eye (00:02)

Animated distortion plays, this distortion turns into the animated fight.

The animated fight is a 30 seconds long take of the actors performing a piece of fight choreography, the camera will pan around the actors at a long - medium shot distance.

Cuts to performance diegesis with close up of the guitar being played (00:02)
Next real time shot will be a long shot showing the protagonist laying down, the screen will fade to show he has passed out.

The camera will then come out of the fade and it will be the morning with the protagonist laying in the same position. There will be an actual body there instead of a pile of rubble to show he was hallucinating parts of the night before.

Cuts back to close up of guitar (00:02)

Two shots from earlier and played again to show it is an endless cycle (00:01)

Repeated over shoulder shot (00:01)

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